Physical law should have mathematical beauty P.A.M.DIRAC
Paul Dolea Cluj/ Romania/ If you are going to visit my site and read about my work and my theories, I think it would be a good idea to introduce myself to you, so that you could have a glimpse at the man behind these words. I graduated from a renowned high school in Cluj-Napoca with a specialization in applied electronics and nuclear technologies. After high school, I attended the courses of The Faculty of Physics. When I graduated the faculty, I was specialized in electronics and radio-physics. One year after my graduation (meanwhile I was a teacher) I was accredited as Metrologist in the field of Time-frequencies and Coordinator of the metrological activity at the Radio and TV Institution Cluj. For the moment, I am part of a group that is engaged in the research and development of satellite communication and deep spatial surveillance. I took part in projects like TELSAT, HOTSAT, PORTASAT, SCANSAT, GOLIAT, DOG. I also joined the team that in 2008 will launch the first Romanian micro satellite, under the coordination of the Romanian Space Agency. I was invited to national and international conferences, including conferences organized by NATO or NASA. I am married and I have a very pretty girl. I speak Romanian, Hungarian, French and English. I am fascinated by everything that is connected to time and space, at the scale of the more or less observable Universe. Paul Dolea
Am absolvit un liceu renumit din Cluj,cu specializare in electronica aplicata si tehnologii nucleare.Am urmat Facultatea de Fizica cu specializare in electronica si radiofizica.Dupa absolvire am fost profesor.In 1984 am obtinut acreditare de metrolog in domeniul Timp-frecvente si Coordonator al activitatii de metrologie la Directia de Radio si Televiziune Cuj. Din 2002 fac parte dintr-un colectiv de cercetare si dezvoltare in domeniul comunicatiilor prin satelit si supraveghere spatiala adanca.Am participat la proiectele TELSAT,HOTSAT,PORTASAT,SCANSAT,GOLIAT,DOG,LEOSCOPE,GENSO. Am participat la conferinte nationale si internationale in domeniu, am publicat zeci de articole stiintifice sau de popularizare a stiintei.Am initiat construirea Observatorului Astronomic Marisel si am lucrat direct la constructia lui precum si la realizarea Statiei de comunicatii in banda S cu sateliti artificiali ai Pamantului.Am initiat si am pus bazele Scolii de Vara "GENERATIA URMATOARE"-MARISEL. Din anul 2012 sunt cadru didactic asociat la Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, facultatea de Electronica Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei.
This is short photo gallery about our recent project: a test bed for space communication and surveillance of space experiments – in development, 1200 m altitude, 55 Km far from Cluj-Napoca, electromagnetic quiet zone. The test bed hosts BITNET’s astronomical observatory and several antennas.