I have this idea that has been on my mind for more than 20 years and now I feel that has finally arrived for me the moment to synthesize it and to bring it in front of you. Unfortunately, I have been so tied up in my daily activities that I couldn’t take the time to develop this theory and to give it an adequate mathematic support. Therefore I do not pretend that what I am about to present in front of you is a paper backed up by an appropriate mathematical formula; nor that it is based on the basic principles of quantum physics or astrophysics. But time goes by anyway and there is no turning the clock back. That is why I decided to come in front of you with my theory, although it is not an entirely clean-cut idea.
As I am going to use some terms that may be unfamiliar to you, I think it would be a good idea to define them, even if their definitions are rather intuitive than fundamental in facts: the amplitude of an event refers to the space zone where the event produces discernible effects.
The space is the physical space that surrounds us, the space that we interact with through our senses; here, the remarkable events can be emphasized without using a highly sophisticated equipment.
The subspace is the physical space where the remarkable events can not be emphasized by the means used in space or hyperspace because the ‘amplitude’ of these events is much smaller than that of those developing in space.
The hyperspace is the physical space where the remarkable events can not be emphasized by those means used in space or subspace because the amplitude of the remarkable events is much bigger than that of those developing in space.
I will consider that the velocity of light does not depend on the ‘scale’ where the events develop, that is the velocity of light is the same in subspace, space and hyperspace.
So, what is my target?
I would like to demonstrate that time does not depend so much on the motion velocity of a relativistic observer but on the scale where that particular event develops. In other words, time goes by differently in subspace, space or hyperspace. The relativist dependence on an observer’s proper time is only a peculiar case of my theory.
But action speaks louder than words, so I would like to prove that because there is a relation such as
we ought to find the form of a function f and the physical significance of the term S, so that
where f must be comprised in the theory of relativity,
t represents the event’s proper time of development,
s represents the 'scale' where the event develops and
c stands for the velocity of light.
In other words, if an event remarkable in subspace develops in a certain amount of time t' (measured by an observer that is in that subspace), the same event will develop in a time t
Likewise, if an event remarkable in hyperspace develops place in a certain time t" (measured by an observer that finds himself in the same hyperspace), that same event will develop in a time t>>t" for an observer in space.
Secondly, I would like to state that this structure is repetitive, and by that I mean that the space is hyperspace for a structure of inferior rank, and the hyperspace is subspace for a structure of senior rank.
What we can notice?
Remarkable events that develop on subatomic scale have an extremely short time span and their duration can only be determined by indirect methods of measurement.
Remarkable events that develop within the boundaries of our known universe have an extremely long time span, and their duration can be determined only by indirect means of measurement.
The redshift of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by far off/remote stars can be explained not necessarily through Doppler effects due to the expansion of the Universe but, more likely, because of the fact that we compare the spectrum of an event developing in hyperspace to the spectrum of an event developing in space, while the proper clocks of these events strike differently.
If we take into consideration the elements of Planck scale and we divide the Planck length by the Planck time we’ll get the velocity of light.
Summing up
The Universe has got a hierarchical structure of the type
S(-n), S(-n+1),…S(-1), S, S(+1), …S(+n-1), S(+n)
and it is infinite not only in what concerns its boundaries but also in its component structural elements.
Passing from an inferior rank structure to a senior rank structure (or vice-versa) is gradual without delimitations that can be clearly set off.
The clocks of observers from different structures are not synchronous so, in a high rank structure the time flows slower than in an inferior rank structure.
Time dilatation from the restricted theory of relativity is the effect of the movement of an observer who, as his speed grows , gradually passes towards space structures of increasingly higher ranks.
There probably is a mathematical relation such as t=f(S,c) that could express the dependency of the proper time of a structure to the rank of that structure.
RO, Cluj-Napoca, the 3rd of December 2007 physicist Paul Dolea
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