Photo: sinfazate antenna network to Gakona (Alaska) Credit http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/
In short:
Science and technology have joined forces and have developed equipment capable to control power that until recently were unimaginable. Current technologies allow us to do experiments overall. HAARP, EISCAT, SURA ... Three research programs taking place in the Arctic zone and that brings new concerns: the danger of irreversible planetary challenge. We must prepare for a new kind of war, geophysical war? The balance created over millions of years can be destroyed in minutes and the humanity seek to escape somewhere, in deep Earth, and appear as a new species, the caveman.
Science and technology have joined forces and have developed equipment capable to control power that until recently were unimaginable. Current technologies allow us to do experiments overall. HAARP, EISCAT, SURA ... Three research programs taking place in the Arctic zone and that brings new concerns: the danger of irreversible planetary challenge. We must prepare for a new kind of war, geophysical war? The balance created over millions of years can be destroyed in minutes and the humanity seek to escape somewhere, in deep Earth, and appear as a new species, the caveman.
Explosive development of science and technology in the passed century show that the Earth planet was no longer seem so great. If one hundred forty years ago was unimaginable that someone will surround the Earth in less than 80 days, today, satellites and manned spacecraft surrounding the Earth in tens of minutes. With one click, the information go anyware in a few fractions of a second. Nuclear arms caused more insomnia for entire planet. It was understood few years ago that a brutal extinction of current civilization can be caused only by a catastrophic collision with another celestial body or due to evil alien forces. However, in the last years, the geophysics and the development of new technological industries, geoengineering, chills caused many of those who understood that a immense destructive power reach under the control of sick minds control. Even if the overall effects can be caused only
overall strength and enormous energy, must not neglect the following issue: the subsequent times the gross force may be released and directed with a minimum effort, and can have disastrous effect. ( photo: modular UHF Ionospheric Radar in the HAARP project facility: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/)
Explosive development of science and technology in the passed century show that the Earth planet was no longer seem so great. If one hundred forty years ago was unimaginable that someone will surround the Earth in less than 80 days, today, satellites and manned spacecraft surrounding the Earth in tens of minutes. With one click, the information go anyware in a few fractions of a second. Nuclear arms caused more insomnia for entire planet. It was understood few years ago that a brutal extinction of current civilization can be caused only by a catastrophic collision with another celestial body or due to evil alien forces. However, in the last years, the geophysics and the development of new technological industries, geoengineering, chills caused many of those who understood that a immense destructive power reach under the control of sick minds control. Even if the overall effects can be caused only

What is the ionosphere?
The ionosphere is the uppermost part of the atmosphere , distinguished because it is ionized by solar radiation. . Thus, the incidence of radiation cause dissociation of gas molecules in positive ions and electrons reaching the state of plasma. A thin plasma, but made of particles that have high energies. This plasmosfera begins at altitudes of about 60km and extends up to 1000km, where the number of ions contained in the volume unit is so small that it can be considered as the atmosphere become empty space. The ionization mechanism due to cosmic radiation and the atmosphere makes the ions maximum density at about 300km altitude (F layer). This layer can support electromagnetic waves reflections for electromagnetic waves having frequencies below 30MHz. This reflection on the ionosphere is used to great distance transmission of radio waves of short wave range.
Ionosphere is a hostile environment for all forms of life. The pressure is extremely small, extremely high energy particles and electromagnetic storms caused mainly by solar explosions generates electric currents hundreds of thousands of amperes.
The ionosphere is the uppermost part of the atmosphere , distinguished because it is ionized by solar radiation. . Thus, the incidence of radiation cause dissociation of gas molecules in positive ions and electrons reaching the state of plasma. A thin plasma, but made of particles that have high energies. This plasmosfera begins at altitudes of about 60km and extends up to 1000km, where the number of ions contained in the volume unit is so small that it can be considered as the atmosphere become empty space. The ionization mechanism due to cosmic radiation and the atmosphere makes the ions maximum density at about 300km altitude (F layer). This layer can support electromagnetic waves reflections for electromagnetic waves having frequencies below 30MHz. This reflection on the ionosphere is used to great distance transmission of radio waves of short wave range.
Ionosphere is a hostile environment for all forms of life. The pressure is extremely small, extremely high energy particles and electromagnetic storms caused mainly by solar explosions generates electric currents hundreds of thousands of amperes.
Magnetosphere and electromagnetic storms
Earth's magnetic field is a natural shield against solar wind and other cosmic radiation or very high energy particles. Due mainly solar explosions, structure field lines can be stronger perTurbata appear electromagnetic storms. In polar areas, where the magnetic field intensifies and field lines are open, many high-energy electrons penetrate to the order of 100 km altitude where the gas molecules interact with IUD less tenuous atmosphere, through a mechanism that excitatre-dezexcitare lead to the release of large amounts of photons. This phenomenon intensifies during electromagnetic storms and is often visible from Earth in the form of northern lights or Southern. In the polar areas, electricity generated by moving electrical charges can atnge value of 1 million amps in a space area rather narrow. If electromagnetic storm is very intense, Aurora may occur even at lower latitudes, as observed in on July 15, 2000 in southern France.
Strong electromagnetic storms can have disastrous effects on telecommunications equipment and navigation or the aircraft in flight. Also, variations in magnetic field can induce currents in power lines that can not be compensated important. As on date 13martie 1989, a strong magnetic storm caused the collapse power distribution system in much of the United States and southern Canada for almost nine hours. Serious damage induced current appears due to long pipelines to transport oil or gazelor natural.
Electromagnetic storms act adverse effect on the human body. In a study of population in Moscow found that during such storms occur many heart attacks. Note also a significant reduction in heart rate and blood pressure.
Earth's magnetic field is a natural shield against solar wind and other cosmic radiation or very high energy particles. Due mainly solar explosions, structure field lines can be stronger perTurbata appear electromagnetic storms. In polar areas, where the magnetic field intensifies and field lines are open, many high-energy electrons penetrate to the order of 100 km altitude where the gas molecules interact with IUD less tenuous atmosphere, through a mechanism that excitatre-dezexcitare lead to the release of large amounts of photons. This phenomenon intensifies during electromagnetic storms and is often visible from Earth in the form of northern lights or Southern. In the polar areas, electricity generated by moving electrical charges can atnge value of 1 million amps in a space area rather narrow. If electromagnetic storm is very intense, Aurora may occur even at lower latitudes, as observed in on July 15, 2000 in southern France.
Strong electromagnetic storms can have disastrous effects on telecommunications equipment and navigation or the aircraft in flight. Also, variations in magnetic field can induce currents in power lines that can not be compensated important. As on date 13martie 1989, a strong magnetic storm caused the collapse power distribution system in much of the United States and southern Canada for almost nine hours. Serious damage induced current appears due to long pipelines to transport oil or gazelor natural.
Electromagnetic storms act adverse effect on the human body. In a study of population in Moscow found that during such storms occur many heart attacks. Note also a significant reduction in heart rate and blood pressure.
Ionosphere can be considered a great electron tube
Let us return to intense currents that flow in the ionosphere in the polar areas. By means of electromagnetic pulses, these currents can be modulated, as in a huge tube, so that to cause significant variations of terrestrial magnetic field globally. If "bombed" ionosphere with radio pulses in the range of frecvente from 2 MHz up to 10MHz, we obtain an optimal energy transfer to particles in the target area, generating an effect of "local heating". And this modified the zonal ionospherethey generate very low frequency electromagnetic waves that propagate at large distances, reaching even to surround the Earth. The electromagnetic waves of very low frequency can penetrate deep seas and oceans, or even in the lithosphere. Until recently, SUnited tits emission devices using a carrier frequency of 76Hz (ELF) to forward order or other information to U.S. Navy submarines to sink under the intreg Ocean (Project Seafarer). In 2004, the United States gave up this method. It seems that ELF waves generated by "local heating of the ionosphere" sproved a process more efficiently.
HAARP, EISCAT, SURA three programs are able to do "global" experiments
In 1993, the United States began developing a research station of phenomena related to ionosphere and aurora borealis near the town of Gakona Alaska. The project name is "HAARP", an acronym for "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" . Organizations participating in this project suggests the military's research directions address: U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the University of Alaska. Without going into further technical details, say that the research has several sinfazate antenna systems, so to be able to transmit to the ionosphere by high power electromagnetic pulses and analyze the effects arising due to these pulses. In the summer of 2007 was completed investment reaching at a power of 3.6 MW injected into the antenna. United States also have two other similar research centers in Fairbanks, Alaska (HIPAS project) and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.
A similar project is the acronym European EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association). Broadcasting equipment are located in northern Scandinavia Tromsǿ near town in Norway. Reception stations are located in Sodankylä in Finland and Kiruna in Sweden. In this project part of research institutions in several countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China, England and Germany.
Former Soviet Union developed its own research on the ionosphere at Vasilsurk in northern Russia. Equipment was commissioned in 1981. Transmitters covers the frequency range of 4.5 MHz and 9.3 MHz. Emission equipment consist of three transmitters each 250kW and a radiating system composed of 144 antennas sinfazate able to issue to the ionosphere with an apparent radiated power of 190MW.
As you can see, except the base at Arecibo, all other facilities are located near the poles. The poles, ionosphere is crossed very strong power. By modulating these currents can produce global effects: electromagnetic storms, changes in the ionosphere and can transmit information across the globe, even in deep seas and oceans or lithosphere. You can also create channels through which dangerous cosmic radiation and high energy cosmic particles to penetrate to near Earth's surface.
A similar project is the acronym European EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association). Broadcasting equipment are located in northern Scandinavia Tromsǿ near town in Norway. Reception stations are located in Sodankylä in Finland and Kiruna in Sweden. In this project part of research institutions in several countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China, England and Germany.
Former Soviet Union developed its own research on the ionosphere at Vasilsurk in northern Russia. Equipment was commissioned in 1981. Transmitters covers the frequency range of 4.5 MHz and 9.3 MHz. Emission equipment consist of three transmitters each 250kW and a radiating system composed of 144 antennas sinfazate able to issue to the ionosphere with an apparent radiated power of 190MW.
As you can see, except the base at Arecibo, all other facilities are located near the poles. The poles, ionosphere is crossed very strong power. By modulating these currents can produce global effects: electromagnetic storms, changes in the ionosphere and can transmit information across the globe, even in deep seas and oceans or lithosphere. You can also create channels through which dangerous cosmic radiation and high energy cosmic particles to penetrate to near Earth's surface.
It is known that very low frequency electromagnetic waves, caused by lightning in the atmosphere (lightning or lightning) even up to surround the Earth. At certain frequencies of resonance is a phenomenon called "Schumann Resonance". Research base of the ionosphere at the poles have technological capability artificial production of such resonance phenomena by generating very low frequency electromagnetic waves. If you where in antifaza generates the phenomenon of resonance can be annihilated. But this game is extremely dangerous and humanity should refrain from experiment on a planetary scale because maintaining current civilization on planet Earth depends on many interdependent factors and in a very precarious balance. A wrong analysis of possible effects may have disastrous results. The balance created over millions of years can be destroyed in minutes and mankind will have to seek escape somewhere, in deep Earth, appear as a new species, the caveman.
It is known that very low frequency electromagnetic waves, caused by lightning in the atmosphere (lightning or lightning) even up to surround the Earth. At certain frequencies of resonance is a phenomenon called "Schumann Resonance". Research base of the ionosphere at the poles have technological capability artificial production of such resonance phenomena by generating very low frequency electromagnetic waves. If you where in antifaza generates the phenomenon of resonance can be annihilated. But this game is extremely dangerous and humanity should refrain from experiment on a planetary scale because maintaining current civilization on planet Earth depends on many interdependent factors and in a very precarious balance. A wrong analysis of possible effects may have disastrous results. The balance created over millions of years can be destroyed in minutes and mankind will have to seek escape somewhere, in deep Earth, appear as a new species, the caveman.
Un comentariu:
Buna ziua ! Numele meu este Chidu Ileana, studenta in anul III la Universitatea Lucian Blaga , Sibiu, specializarea Studii de Securitate. Am citit articolul dumneavoastra despre proiectul HAARP si consider ca este exterm de interesant, cel putin pentru mine. Lucrarea mea de licenta are ca si studiu de caz, proiectul HAARP, si as dori sa va solicit, daca aveti cumva si alte materiale legate de acest tip de razboi.
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